
2012-"REv Moon7s Life and W0rkks"(Japanese) [1:04:59]

I will protect you until the end - London 2011 [7:58]

Holy Wedding Ceremony of the True Parents of Heaven,Earth and Humankind in 1960 [14:21]

オモニム [6:27]

The Life of the Rev.Sun Myung Moon [4:21]

Rev.Moon7s life of victory [7:12]

「丹心」-統一教会教祖・文鮮明夫妻のの真実-(PART1) [8:00]

「丹心」 - 統一教会教祖・文鮮明夫妻の真実-(PART3) [7:13]

the life of sacrifice for the sake of USA [7:30]

文鮮明先生 心情の縁 (天一の窓) [4:04]