Unification Church 30K Blessing anniversary video on Vimeo.mp4

2013/02/09 に公開

30,000 Blessing Promotion Video 1992, 8,25 in Korea created by 30,000 blessing committee in USA Sakamoto

Eternal Love

2008/02/15 にアップロード

Performed at the 1995 WCSF

Rev. Moon - 1992 Mass Wedding part 1

2009/01/16 にアップロード

1992 International Holy Blessing (of Marriage) Ceremony of 30,000 couples matched and officiated by Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon in the Olympic Main Stadium of Seoul, Korea.

Rev. Moon - 1992 Mass Wedding part 2

2009/02/05 にアップロード

1992 International Holy Blessing (of Marriage) Ceremony of 30,000 couples matched and officiated by Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon held at the Olympic Main Stadium of Seoul, Korea.